Therapeutic Riding Lessons
All Horse Boy & Therapeutic Riding Students must apply to determine eligibility into the program and provide the required details in order to develop a specific lesson plan per child. Lessons are weekly, private lessons.
Lessons are $25 per week.
Every student will have an “account”. Lesson rates may be subsidized based on donations to the Riders Up! Scholarship Fund. As funds become available, they will be added to each student’s accounts evenly.
Work & Outreach Program
In addition to the Scholarship Fund, we are offering a work and outreach program that will provide families the opportunity to earn credit towards their account to pay for lessons.
Students and/or parents may work off their lesson fees by participating in Volunteer Events and Work Days. Work Days are held almost monthly depending on the weather and will often coincide with Volunteer Orientations. We have a variety of tasks that need to be completed on a regular basis as well as on a “project basis.”
In addition to these tasks, outreach opportunities such as spreading awareness of Lake Fork Stables at events and Big Bass Bingo will also be available.